Monday, March 19, 2007

6 week update

Our baby's heart is dividing into chambers and will soon find a more regular rhythm. Our little embryo is about 0.08 to 0.16 inches from crown to rump (about the size of a BB pellet) and looks more like a tadpole than a human. But it undergoes a tremendous growth spurt this week: Its major organs - including the kidneys and liver - begin to grow; the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week; and our embryo's upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout, which will form the arms and legs. The intestines are also developing and the appendix is in place; and its facial features are starting to form, the nostrils are becoming distinct, and the earliest versions of the retinas of the eyes are forming.

Amazing isn't it? It's hard to believe that is going on inside of me! My thoughts have moved from the pregnancy, though, to the state of our apartment. All my belongings from P.G. arrived Saturday morning (thankfully I was at work!) and now we are living amongst boxes and furniture. I will be spending my days off unpacking and purging. I look forward to having a livable space again. I have so much junk it's embarrassing!

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