For those who can not see where the fetus is, he/she is along the bottom of the black oval (the black area is the fluid around the fetus). It is a side profile, with her/him lying on her/his back with the head at the right. You can see a little nose, the feet and part of the umbilical cord (the 'blep' at the left end of the fetus I believe).
Yes, that's our little fetus! We had a very exciting afternoon having our first ultrasound. I could not believe I was pregnant until I saw the "proof" & then it all became very real. We are both ecstatic! The little one measures in at 3.64cm and the heart rate was 163bpm. She/he was very active, moving hands & legs constantly. The experience would have been perfect if it weren't for the fact that I had to pee so bad! But definitely all worth it. The technologist aged the fetus at 10 weeks and 3 days, so very close to what we thought. I think we will both sleep soundly tonight!
Is that your bladder to the right?
That's what I was thinking! It sure felt a lot larger than that, though.
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