Now about one half of an inch / 1.25 centimetres long, the size of a lentil. Our embryo has distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. It's a jumping bean, moving in fits and starts. The liver is churning out large amounts of red blood cells until the bone marrow forms and takes over this role. The eighth week marks the beginning of a very busy developmental stage. Between now and 20 weeks, our baby will be growing rapidly, and body parts that formed in the first few weeks of life (such as the heart and brain) will become more specialised and complicated. Right now, the teeth and palate are forming, while the ears continue to develop. The fetus' skin is paper thin, and veins are clearly visible.
- Has created his own placenta, amniotic sac, produced his own amniotic fluid
- Skeletal system developed - Cartilage at this point
- Weighs only 1/30th of an ounce - has all internal organs of an adult
- Has a mouth with lips, an early tongue and buds for milk teeth
- Nerves and muscles work together for the first time
- Eyes still open, but gluey ridges beginning to form at the edges which will soon seal shut to protect them in final delicate formation
- Dark area is pigment of the retina of the eye as it forms
- At this stage baby’s nose and all the facial features are quite flat
- At end of embryonic stage (7th week), fingers and toes become separate entities

Charles & I are doing well. We are still in the slow process of getting the apartment set-up. My Auntie Liping helped us tremendously this week by getting us organized. I purged a lot of stuff and feel I am starting to live more "simply". I'm about to start round 3 of going through my clothes...
Charles told me today that his Mom will be visiting this week. I am very excited to have her here & spend some time with us in our new place. I know Charles loves to translate; he's used to repeating everything anyways, might as well use two languages! Later in the week, Mom & Gus will arrive. I hope there's hockey on T.V. for the men!
I have decided to take a 4 week medical leave from work; the nausea and fatigue are too much for me and I just could not put in the 100% I expect from myself at work (I don't think clients appreciate watching me dry heave in exam rooms either). So, my days are spent coping with varying degrees of nausea and napping (Josey loves nap time!). I walk as much as I can and still try to be productive, within reason, of course.
Charles is working until Sunday evening, so it's just me & the cat for the next 3 days.
Hello Auntie Kim,
The baby looks creepy. But kind of cute too. Does it have eyes? Does it have fingers? When is Auntie's baby coming? Is it a boy or a girl? (Kieran and Aiden have lots of questions and comments. I hope your nausea improves quickly. Not pleasant. 12 weeks is usually the remedy. Take care, and big hugs from the other Yips in PG. Hugs to Charles too.
Hello Auntie and Charles,
When did you visit PG? (do you remember the dates?) Your conception date was around the 17th of Feb. Were you visiting us then? Just thought we'd ask. Good luck on your upcoming appointment with the doc. We were just reading a blog site that talks about pets knowing if someone's pregnant. Was Josie sitting on your belly or wanting to be petted more often? This may be a sign. Take care.
Yes, I have been joking that the picture looks like a kitten fetus! The baby has just the beginning of eyes, black spots where the retinas are forming. He/she has fingers but they are webbed! We don't know if it is a boy or girl and won't know until November 10 (sometime around there!). We conceived on Chinese New Year's Eve! That evening we went to dinner with the Yip's (in Calgary) and then apparently came home and 'cuddled'!! I've heard that, too, about pets... Josey hasn't been different, she spends just as much time in Charles' lap as in mine!
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