I had my doctors appointment this evening to recheck my blood pressure and it is back to normal after 5 days of bed rest. My blood tests were all normal, too, so it is very good news. Charles joined me on this visit, his first, and quite liked the doctor. We all agreed that it would be best that I do not return to work and while I don't have to adhere to strict bed rest, I should take things very, very easy. I will return in 2 weeks to recheck my pressures. Being the person that I am, I'm sure I'll be checking it myself a few times a week just for peace of mind. Work has been notified (literally within minutes after my appointment!) and now the flood of paper work begins. Once that is done, I will thoroughly enjoy my time at home and away from the stress of work.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
26 week update
I've also read that baby may be turning itself around to the head down position already. I can't imagine being upside down for 14 weeks! Since being on bed rest the baby has been very active. Yesterday, I had very funny sensations for quite awhile at the front of my uterus and wonder if that was baby turning around. He/she tried to wake me up several times early this morning, but I won, sleeping until 9:30!
It's just day 2 of bed rest & I'm a little restless. Unfortunately, the temperature has been back up to 32 degrees again making the apartment icky. I've read quite a bit, mostly about birthing with some 'light' Stephen King reading in between. Charles returned home yesterday afternoon and has been very supportive. He just got back from Sears after purchasing a stroller & car seat and is now making me lunch! I'm so very lucky.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Bed rest it is...
I had an unfortunately stressful doctors appointment today which requires me to adhere to bed rest until Tuesday. My blood pressure is higher than normal and my doctor is concerned. I went for more blood tests, to check my electrolytes and liver enzymes, and have to return to the doctors on Tuesday for a recheck.
I am to be on the couch or in bed, only to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Also, all salt & sugar has to be cut from my diet (no Starbucks!). He warned that if my pressure is not back to normal on Tuesday, I will have to leave work effective immediately. Work is really the least of my concerns at the moment.
Thankfully my book order from amazon.ca arrived yesterday, so I'm stocked up and ready to lounge. I think the cat will appreciate having me around. I wish I could teach her to massage my feet for the days Charles is away!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
25 week update

Apparently I've been busy as I haven't sat at the computer for awhile! All is well with us. The baby moves about at different times throughout the day, but mostly at night when I am trying to sleep. It is a very unique & special feeling. We purchased our first baby item, a play yard, yesterday. Charles & I are both overwhelmed by the assortment of various baby items and plan to sit down soon and do some research before spending more money!
Work has been very busy, so I look forward to my mat leave which will start August 13. All I can do during my rotations is work, come home, lay on the couch, eat and go to bed. My first day or two off is spent relaxing & trying to reduce the swelling in my fat feet.
We enjoyed a visit from Kris, Shendah, Kieran & Aiden this past week! It was their first visit since I moved to Calgary and we were very busy. The boys enjoyed the zoo and the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. On the last day the 'big' boys enjoyed a very early morning round of golf while the girls relaxed in an air conditioned mall!
Our next exciting visit is from Charles' parents this weekend. His Mom visited just after finding out I was pregnant but his father has not visited since Charles & I started dating so it will be a fun time.
Our little one is doing some neat things... when I poke my belly, he/she will sometimes respond and apparently he/she will double in weight over the next 4 weeks - yikes!
Work has been very busy, so I look forward to my mat leave which will start August 13. All I can do during my rotations is work, come home, lay on the couch, eat and go to bed. My first day or two off is spent relaxing & trying to reduce the swelling in my fat feet.
We enjoyed a visit from Kris, Shendah, Kieran & Aiden this past week! It was their first visit since I moved to Calgary and we were very busy. The boys enjoyed the zoo and the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. On the last day the 'big' boys enjoyed a very early morning round of golf while the girls relaxed in an air conditioned mall!
Our next exciting visit is from Charles' parents this weekend. His Mom visited just after finding out I was pregnant but his father has not visited since Charles & I started dating so it will be a fun time.
Our little one is doing some neat things... when I poke my belly, he/she will sometimes respond and apparently he/she will double in weight over the next 4 weeks - yikes!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
We had an amazing time in Nova Scotia and enjoyed all the precious time we had together. As my vigorous hiking days are put on hold, we did a lot of sightseeing and as much walking as I could muster. We would love to return someday to tackle all the hiking trails with baby! I was pleasantly surprised with Halifax; it is a quaint city with character and of course the harbour front adds to its charm. Charles informed me today, though, that it unfortunately has one of the highest crime rates in Canada. Probably has something to do with all the French living there!! Just kidding, of course.
After 2 weeks of relaxation we are both back to work & reality. After my last rotation I have decided to take my maternity leave as early as possible, which is 12 weeks before my due date. So as of August 13th I am free, free of all the chaos & stress of the crazy vet hospital!! Too many hours on my feet without breaks, late lunches and job hazards are not worth the risk to my health or the baby's.
Now that we are at 23 weeks things are becoming more real. For the past 2 weeks I have been feeling baby move and am starting to enjoy the quiet times I have to share with the baby. Besides the ever present fatigue, I am now enjoying sausage feet! I can no longer fit into any of my shoes and will live in flip-flops from now on.
Charles & I are trying to decide what childbirth classes to take as we have to register soon. I just want to know how to get the job done without drugs and have Charles prepared as much as possible so he doesn't end up on the floor!
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