Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There's definitely something in there!!
Today is the first day of obvious, consistent baby movement! After a much needed long sleep last night, I woke this morning to vigorous movements by the fetus as I laid partially on my belly. The movement happened a few times at work during the morning when I would have my belly pressed up against a counter. Then after lunch, a co-worker demonstrated craniosacral therapy on me which had me lying on my back and the fetus really started to dance! He/she moved throughout the evening and also while I enjoyed my bath. I can't describe the feeling, just that it's like... well, something inside my belly!
I had a routine prenatal appointment today and I received a clean bill of health by my doctor; normal blood pressure, baby is measuring well and has a good heart beat. Next month I will have more blood tests including testing for gestational diabetes. I can't believe I'm almost at that point already. I mentioned to the doctor that I am extremely tired after work and he said it's important that as soon as I get home to lay on my left side for at least 1 to 2 hours to recuperate and ensure the placenta (baby) is receiving all the blood it needs from me. He said, and these are his exact words, "no cooking or cleaning when you get home. Get right onto the couch or bed and rest". Oh Charles... your culinary skills are required!! Tomorrow is our big ultrasound appointment so hopefully we'll have some good pictures to share.
And if I didn't have enough to worry about... Josey had major dental work on Sunday and it was discovered then that she probably has feline herpesvirus. She has bilateral corneal ulcers and has been having sneezing fits since we moved into the apartment. So, it's antibiotic eye ointment twice a day, an oral antibiotic twice a day and an amino acid supplement twice a day. Do you think she loves me right now?! And just to add more excitement, I returned home this evening to discover that she partially chewed and drained her fentanyl patch (an adhesive patch that delivers a narcotic through her skin, that is not meant to be ingested and can be fatal). I phoned a vet I work with and he said to monitor her closely for respiratory depression/lethargy but more than likely it drained onto the couch/carpet. I wasn't worried as she ate her dinner and ran away from me while I tried to put in her eye ointment. I'm going to bed now so if she chooses to slip into a coma I'll have to deal with her in the morning!
Today I'm quite tired. I set up my alarm wrong and woke me up at 2:25 am instead of 4:25am. They're both really early, but after the fire alarm at 3am in Edmonton the night before, I really needed a good sleep. Oh well! Maybe tonight I'll sleep. At least I've got the ultrasound to cheer about, which keeps me awake when I have nothing to do. I would trade my job anytime with Kim today.
The other exciting part is our trip to Nova Scotia in 2 days. It is so nice to go somewhere else, have some fish (too bad Kim doesn't like it, but I don't like eggplants or never been of huge fan of tofu, so it's fair) relax on the beach, enjoy the views of Cabot trail, the French town of Louisbourg...
And since I'm writing about things that are exciting me, I can't wait to see my girl at home, I've been on the road now for 8 of the last 9 days. Bye from Toronto.
The other exciting part is our trip to Nova Scotia in 2 days. It is so nice to go somewhere else, have some fish (too bad Kim doesn't like it, but I don't like eggplants or never been of huge fan of tofu, so it's fair) relax on the beach, enjoy the views of Cabot trail, the French town of Louisbourg...
And since I'm writing about things that are exciting me, I can't wait to see my girl at home, I've been on the road now for 8 of the last 9 days. Bye from Toronto.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Dad is getting excited
It's getting more and more difficult to be on the road now. I would much rather at home wathching Kim's belly get bigger and bigger. I just can't wait to see my baby's little face. My only consolation is agian all these babies I see onboard the aircraft. I just like to run to them, ask for assistance in hope to hold them! One threw up on me thursday, just a little bit of that white stuff. But it was quite an awesome baby, so I decided not to punish him.
But today is Father's day, yes I called my Dad already. But Kim bought me a Diaperdude bag. Quite the cool bag, dude! I'll be bringing that at work next time, I think it will be pretty funny!
I just find it hard to buy baby stuff, I'm just having a hard believing that it's true. It's just like in the movie Jerry Mcguire... SHOW ME THE BABY! And than I'll buy stuff!
Have a great everyone from Big Daddy!
But today is Father's day, yes I called my Dad already. But Kim bought me a Diaperdude bag. Quite the cool bag, dude! I'll be bringing that at work next time, I think it will be pretty funny!
I just find it hard to buy baby stuff, I'm just having a hard believing that it's true. It's just like in the movie Jerry Mcguire... SHOW ME THE BABY! And than I'll buy stuff!
Have a great everyone from Big Daddy!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fetus' First Swim
Me & the fetus went for our first swim today! It was my first swim in two years & I did better than I expected (I just swam until my arms got tired... a whole 45 minutes, yay!!) . There is a great little pool just 8 blocks away from our apartment in an old heritage building. At the most there were three of us in the pool... very quiet which is just fine by me. I hope to swim a couple times a week as it will be a great activity when I get bigger. I don't know how long I'll be able to wear my swimsuit, though, as it is pretty stretched out already! I've been doing a lot of walking on my days off which I love but forget that I need to be close to two things at all times... a washroom & food. It's also a weird feeling to get tired from walking. I have been out since 10:30 this morning when I went for a swim, walked for a bit, read at a park for awhile, walked some more and then treated myself to lunch at my favorite place and walked home. It's now 4pm and I'm tired, like I need a nap tired! I think I'll go for a short walk for a chai!
Just add a couple inches to the belly, a good handful of padding on the hips and triple the boob size and it could be my profile! Oh, and my placenta is at the front of my uterus.
Our 19 week update
The top of your uterus now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimetre per week. The fetus measures around 6 inches/ 15 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces/ 240 grams. She has started to swallow amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses -- taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch -- are now developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about one million. You no doubt feel the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, she may be so mobile that you can't sleep. The next ten weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the womb gets too crowded.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
18 week update

'4D' image of an 18 week fetus
I personally think these images are creepy & will not be requesting any at our exciting ultrasound visit in just 11 days!! I'll see the baby in 5 months, thank you very much.
Your baby is approximately 6 inches/ 14.2 centimetres long from crown to rump. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing but she's not taking in air, only amniotic fluid. Your baby is twice as big as he was last month, but he still weighs only about 225 grams. Meanwhile, most of the weight you've gained is from amniotic fluid, placenta and water retention. Although things may seem calm on the surface, your little one is kicking, flexing, reaching, rolling, and even sucking his thumb now. If you haven't felt him move yet, you will in the next few weeks. His hearing is now functioning and he will be listening to your heartbeat.
I am relaxing after my fourth day of work with just one more to go. It has been very busy and I wish I could have at least two more hours of sleep every night. Poor Charles has been sleeping alone as I have moved to the spare bed with my army of pillows that keep me propped up at night! I need lots of space to spread out & keep cool. The cat even gets booted off the bed now. Geesh, what will August be like?!
I had another morning of icky dry heaving and unfortunately got to work just in time to hear another tech's story of a dog that came in covered in maggots last night. Everyone just looked at me with concern and told the tech to stop for crying out loud, do you want Kim to vomit her bagel?... we had a good laugh.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Turtle pace
I have been reduced to doing very easy hikes which I am trying not to bother me because that's just how it is! Yesterday, Charles & I went to Lake Louise & walked up to Lake Agnes (along with tourists from around the world). It was a beautiful day and we had a nice time. I have serious issues about being passed on the trails (especially by tourists!) but I have to accept that this summer I cannot be "Sargeant Kim". I felt good though & the fresh air was such a treat. Of course being with Charles always makes any day better!
We were quite active for my first three days off but today my body asked for a rest. I slept most of the afternoon and my belly has been quite sore. I missed my first French class tonight so not only I'm I wiped, but now I'm pouting, too. Good thing Charles is out for the evening. I'm back to work tomorrow so I'm taking it easy tonight & putting my feet up.
Oh & I finally made to leap to maternity underwear. All I can say is 'wow'... they're big! All 'pretty' things have been put away for future use.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Summer is here!
We are finally enjoying some sunny hot weather here in Calgary but unfortunately I can't enjoy it as I used too! I get very hot very fast & have to learn to never leave the apartment without a hat. Charles & I went for a bike ride yesterday from our place to a park, about an hour along the city pathways. I had to raise my seat & pedal with my legs a little wider but overall it was a great afternoon. It was nice to get home though, as my bum had quite enough for one day! I don't know what the fetus thinks of being knocked around with each pedal stroke, but hopefully I can continue enjoying the occasional toodle for awhile yet!
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