Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
5th week
Saturday, October 6, 2007
4 weeks ago today...
It's very hard to believe that 4 weeks ago today Alexandre was born and our new journey began. It's also very hard to believe that he would be doing so amazingly well so soon after seeing him the first time with all his tubes & wires & 'stuff'. He is feeding so well, taking mostly bottles, and very alert during his awake times. I am getting very excited & anxious about his homecoming which I'm thinking may be thte end of the month. But there are many factors that decide when he is discharged so we still live day to day.
Baba arrived Tuesday and we have been so happy to have her. Charles is back flying today after almost 5 weeks of being away to support me and baby. We finally made some baby item purchases yesterday as I have always felt it too early to buy earlier on. It still feels somewhat odd to have baby stuff in the apartment. But soon Alexandre will be here to use that baby stuff and it will all seem right!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New bed
Alexandre has made another big change! Last night he was moved out of his isolette and into a cot. He has been able to maintain his temperature so far & if he continues to do so this will be his 'home' for the next few weeks until he comes to his real home. It is much easier to 'handle' him in his cot compared to the isolette but he seems more vulnerable & small in his new bed! Today he weighed in at 1852grams... that's 4lb and just a little over an ounce.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Milestone today!
Alexandre reached 4 lbs today!! 1825g to be exact. He's doing well off his IV therapy and seems to be tolerating his new formula so far. He does have 'occult' blood in his stools, meaning digested blood from his upper GI tract, so hopefully this new formula remedies that. We had good visits with him today; I visited from about 8:30am until 12:3opm, went for lunch with Charles and then returned for his 3:00pm feeding & cuddle time. We are going to the Matthew Good concert tonight only because I bought the tickets months ago thinking I'd still be pregnant!! Despite all the nurses telling me not to feel guilty & to have a good time, it's still difficult to do so.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Big Day!
Alexandre is doing very well & as of today he is solely dependent on feedings for nutrition as his central line was removed! So, his only 'wires' now are to monitor his heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation. He gained another ounce today, putting him at 3lb. 14oz. He's taking about 30ml per feeding (the amount slowly increases everday) mostly by gavage (tube feeding) but will take 2 bottles a day, usually by Mom or Dad.
Warning.... the following video has scenes of nudity and some large amounts of poo, viewers discretion is advised!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Our precious early arrival
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
29 week update
We are off to Quebec tomorrow after the 'a-okay' from my doctor. Besides my blood pressure being borderline high everything is fine; the baby's heart rate was 148bpm, my fundus height is normal and baby is moving quite a bit. My weight was a shocker but I'm not dwelling on it as I know there's still more to add! Even Charles was surprised. I told him to be careful as I could really smother him while he sleeps, mistaking him for one of my pillows! He wouldn't stand a chance.
Kimberly Beckham
That's right! I left on the 15th for a 4 day pairing and little did I know that my life would change on my return. As it turns out, Kim decided to get a hair cut Victoria Beckham style. Next thing I know, we are getting phone calls from everybody, my soccer games on tuesdays are followed by more people. As for me, I still have my faux-hawk cut, which gives me the earlier David Beckam look. Too bad that my soccer skills are as good as a 9 yrs old.
Otherwise, things are good. The doctor's appointment today went well, nothing abnormal beside a blood pressure that's borderline to high, but that could be a result of my increasing presence at home.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Is there a trucker in the house?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
28 week update

You're in the home stretch. The third trimester typically starts at week 29 and lasts until week 40 and sometimes even beyond. (Don't worry -- 42 weeks is the maximum! After that, a woman usually is induced to give birth.) Most women gain an average of 11 pounds/ 5 kilograms during this trimester. By this week, your baby weighs nearly 2.3 pounds/ a little over 1 kilograms and may measure 14.8 inches/ 38 centimetres from top to toe. At about this time, your baby can open his eyes and turn his head in utero if he notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside. His fat layers are forming and his fingernails appear.
By the 7th month, her key organs are already developed: The nervous system has matured to the point that it controls respiratory functions and body temperature, the lungs would be capable of breathing if she were to be born at this point. Her movements are more organized, and her muscles stronger. She exercises by kicking and stretching. Calcium is being stored and fetal bones are hardening.
I have been well but feeling the effects of carrying a growing being in my belly. I am so thankful that I am not working and can rest whenever I feel I need to. Because I never sleep through the night anymore, it's great to be able to lay down during the day. I think my greatest struggle has been the drastic change to my activities. I watch runners enjoying their workout on the pathways and feel twinges of envy and listen to Charles wake up early to meet others for a long day hike while I fall back asleep. I have been walking but only very short distances; I find once I am fatigued my belly becomes quite sore and it feels like the baby is going to fall out! Very strange sensation. I try to do my yoga every other day but have yet to get back into the pool (I stopped when I was put on bed rest). I think I just need a good kick in the bum but it would be nice to have a pool buddy.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Trouble already!
I have been experiencing a very sharp pain intermittently in my left upper abdomen for the past four days. At first I thought it was just 'growing' pains and tried to massage it out. It doesn't happen too often but when it wakes me in the middle of the night, it becomes an issue! So, I went to the doctors yesterday and she said it is probably the baby's foot. She felt my uterus and listened to the heart beat and determined that the baby's back is along my right side, head down with limbs pointing towards my left side. It probably is a boy then, taking after Charles already!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
27 week update
Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from head to toe. Her eyes open and close, she sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and she may suck a finger or thumb. Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of the hiccups, which are common this week and throughout the pregnancy. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. A paper bag can't cure her hiccups, obviously, but an episode usually lasts only momentarily. The sensation for you may be strange but not unpleasant. Since your uterus is now up near your rib cage, you may now find yourself short of breath if you haven't already. Starting now and continuing through the last three months of pregnancy, you may be plagued by leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and an itchy abdomen.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Good news
I had my doctors appointment this evening to recheck my blood pressure and it is back to normal after 5 days of bed rest. My blood tests were all normal, too, so it is very good news. Charles joined me on this visit, his first, and quite liked the doctor. We all agreed that it would be best that I do not return to work and while I don't have to adhere to strict bed rest, I should take things very, very easy. I will return in 2 weeks to recheck my pressures. Being the person that I am, I'm sure I'll be checking it myself a few times a week just for peace of mind. Work has been notified (literally within minutes after my appointment!) and now the flood of paper work begins. Once that is done, I will thoroughly enjoy my time at home and away from the stress of work.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
26 week update
I've also read that baby may be turning itself around to the head down position already. I can't imagine being upside down for 14 weeks! Since being on bed rest the baby has been very active. Yesterday, I had very funny sensations for quite awhile at the front of my uterus and wonder if that was baby turning around. He/she tried to wake me up several times early this morning, but I won, sleeping until 9:30!
It's just day 2 of bed rest & I'm a little restless. Unfortunately, the temperature has been back up to 32 degrees again making the apartment icky. I've read quite a bit, mostly about birthing with some 'light' Stephen King reading in between. Charles returned home yesterday afternoon and has been very supportive. He just got back from Sears after purchasing a stroller & car seat and is now making me lunch! I'm so very lucky.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Bed rest it is...
I had an unfortunately stressful doctors appointment today which requires me to adhere to bed rest until Tuesday. My blood pressure is higher than normal and my doctor is concerned. I went for more blood tests, to check my electrolytes and liver enzymes, and have to return to the doctors on Tuesday for a recheck.
I am to be on the couch or in bed, only to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Also, all salt & sugar has to be cut from my diet (no Starbucks!). He warned that if my pressure is not back to normal on Tuesday, I will have to leave work effective immediately. Work is really the least of my concerns at the moment.
Thankfully my book order from arrived yesterday, so I'm stocked up and ready to lounge. I think the cat will appreciate having me around. I wish I could teach her to massage my feet for the days Charles is away!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
25 week update

Apparently I've been busy as I haven't sat at the computer for awhile! All is well with us. The baby moves about at different times throughout the day, but mostly at night when I am trying to sleep. It is a very unique & special feeling. We purchased our first baby item, a play yard, yesterday. Charles & I are both overwhelmed by the assortment of various baby items and plan to sit down soon and do some research before spending more money!
Work has been very busy, so I look forward to my mat leave which will start August 13. All I can do during my rotations is work, come home, lay on the couch, eat and go to bed. My first day or two off is spent relaxing & trying to reduce the swelling in my fat feet.
We enjoyed a visit from Kris, Shendah, Kieran & Aiden this past week! It was their first visit since I moved to Calgary and we were very busy. The boys enjoyed the zoo and the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. On the last day the 'big' boys enjoyed a very early morning round of golf while the girls relaxed in an air conditioned mall!
Our next exciting visit is from Charles' parents this weekend. His Mom visited just after finding out I was pregnant but his father has not visited since Charles & I started dating so it will be a fun time.
Our little one is doing some neat things... when I poke my belly, he/she will sometimes respond and apparently he/she will double in weight over the next 4 weeks - yikes!
Work has been very busy, so I look forward to my mat leave which will start August 13. All I can do during my rotations is work, come home, lay on the couch, eat and go to bed. My first day or two off is spent relaxing & trying to reduce the swelling in my fat feet.
We enjoyed a visit from Kris, Shendah, Kieran & Aiden this past week! It was their first visit since I moved to Calgary and we were very busy. The boys enjoyed the zoo and the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. On the last day the 'big' boys enjoyed a very early morning round of golf while the girls relaxed in an air conditioned mall!
Our next exciting visit is from Charles' parents this weekend. His Mom visited just after finding out I was pregnant but his father has not visited since Charles & I started dating so it will be a fun time.
Our little one is doing some neat things... when I poke my belly, he/she will sometimes respond and apparently he/she will double in weight over the next 4 weeks - yikes!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
We had an amazing time in Nova Scotia and enjoyed all the precious time we had together. As my vigorous hiking days are put on hold, we did a lot of sightseeing and as much walking as I could muster. We would love to return someday to tackle all the hiking trails with baby! I was pleasantly surprised with Halifax; it is a quaint city with character and of course the harbour front adds to its charm. Charles informed me today, though, that it unfortunately has one of the highest crime rates in Canada. Probably has something to do with all the French living there!! Just kidding, of course.
After 2 weeks of relaxation we are both back to work & reality. After my last rotation I have decided to take my maternity leave as early as possible, which is 12 weeks before my due date. So as of August 13th I am free, free of all the chaos & stress of the crazy vet hospital!! Too many hours on my feet without breaks, late lunches and job hazards are not worth the risk to my health or the baby's.
Now that we are at 23 weeks things are becoming more real. For the past 2 weeks I have been feeling baby move and am starting to enjoy the quiet times I have to share with the baby. Besides the ever present fatigue, I am now enjoying sausage feet! I can no longer fit into any of my shoes and will live in flip-flops from now on.
Charles & I are trying to decide what childbirth classes to take as we have to register soon. I just want to know how to get the job done without drugs and have Charles prepared as much as possible so he doesn't end up on the floor!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There's definitely something in there!!
Today is the first day of obvious, consistent baby movement! After a much needed long sleep last night, I woke this morning to vigorous movements by the fetus as I laid partially on my belly. The movement happened a few times at work during the morning when I would have my belly pressed up against a counter. Then after lunch, a co-worker demonstrated craniosacral therapy on me which had me lying on my back and the fetus really started to dance! He/she moved throughout the evening and also while I enjoyed my bath. I can't describe the feeling, just that it's like... well, something inside my belly!
I had a routine prenatal appointment today and I received a clean bill of health by my doctor; normal blood pressure, baby is measuring well and has a good heart beat. Next month I will have more blood tests including testing for gestational diabetes. I can't believe I'm almost at that point already. I mentioned to the doctor that I am extremely tired after work and he said it's important that as soon as I get home to lay on my left side for at least 1 to 2 hours to recuperate and ensure the placenta (baby) is receiving all the blood it needs from me. He said, and these are his exact words, "no cooking or cleaning when you get home. Get right onto the couch or bed and rest". Oh Charles... your culinary skills are required!! Tomorrow is our big ultrasound appointment so hopefully we'll have some good pictures to share.
And if I didn't have enough to worry about... Josey had major dental work on Sunday and it was discovered then that she probably has feline herpesvirus. She has bilateral corneal ulcers and has been having sneezing fits since we moved into the apartment. So, it's antibiotic eye ointment twice a day, an oral antibiotic twice a day and an amino acid supplement twice a day. Do you think she loves me right now?! And just to add more excitement, I returned home this evening to discover that she partially chewed and drained her fentanyl patch (an adhesive patch that delivers a narcotic through her skin, that is not meant to be ingested and can be fatal). I phoned a vet I work with and he said to monitor her closely for respiratory depression/lethargy but more than likely it drained onto the couch/carpet. I wasn't worried as she ate her dinner and ran away from me while I tried to put in her eye ointment. I'm going to bed now so if she chooses to slip into a coma I'll have to deal with her in the morning!
Today I'm quite tired. I set up my alarm wrong and woke me up at 2:25 am instead of 4:25am. They're both really early, but after the fire alarm at 3am in Edmonton the night before, I really needed a good sleep. Oh well! Maybe tonight I'll sleep. At least I've got the ultrasound to cheer about, which keeps me awake when I have nothing to do. I would trade my job anytime with Kim today.
The other exciting part is our trip to Nova Scotia in 2 days. It is so nice to go somewhere else, have some fish (too bad Kim doesn't like it, but I don't like eggplants or never been of huge fan of tofu, so it's fair) relax on the beach, enjoy the views of Cabot trail, the French town of Louisbourg...
And since I'm writing about things that are exciting me, I can't wait to see my girl at home, I've been on the road now for 8 of the last 9 days. Bye from Toronto.
The other exciting part is our trip to Nova Scotia in 2 days. It is so nice to go somewhere else, have some fish (too bad Kim doesn't like it, but I don't like eggplants or never been of huge fan of tofu, so it's fair) relax on the beach, enjoy the views of Cabot trail, the French town of Louisbourg...
And since I'm writing about things that are exciting me, I can't wait to see my girl at home, I've been on the road now for 8 of the last 9 days. Bye from Toronto.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Dad is getting excited
It's getting more and more difficult to be on the road now. I would much rather at home wathching Kim's belly get bigger and bigger. I just can't wait to see my baby's little face. My only consolation is agian all these babies I see onboard the aircraft. I just like to run to them, ask for assistance in hope to hold them! One threw up on me thursday, just a little bit of that white stuff. But it was quite an awesome baby, so I decided not to punish him.
But today is Father's day, yes I called my Dad already. But Kim bought me a Diaperdude bag. Quite the cool bag, dude! I'll be bringing that at work next time, I think it will be pretty funny!
I just find it hard to buy baby stuff, I'm just having a hard believing that it's true. It's just like in the movie Jerry Mcguire... SHOW ME THE BABY! And than I'll buy stuff!
Have a great everyone from Big Daddy!
But today is Father's day, yes I called my Dad already. But Kim bought me a Diaperdude bag. Quite the cool bag, dude! I'll be bringing that at work next time, I think it will be pretty funny!
I just find it hard to buy baby stuff, I'm just having a hard believing that it's true. It's just like in the movie Jerry Mcguire... SHOW ME THE BABY! And than I'll buy stuff!
Have a great everyone from Big Daddy!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fetus' First Swim
Me & the fetus went for our first swim today! It was my first swim in two years & I did better than I expected (I just swam until my arms got tired... a whole 45 minutes, yay!!) . There is a great little pool just 8 blocks away from our apartment in an old heritage building. At the most there were three of us in the pool... very quiet which is just fine by me. I hope to swim a couple times a week as it will be a great activity when I get bigger. I don't know how long I'll be able to wear my swimsuit, though, as it is pretty stretched out already! I've been doing a lot of walking on my days off which I love but forget that I need to be close to two things at all times... a washroom & food. It's also a weird feeling to get tired from walking. I have been out since 10:30 this morning when I went for a swim, walked for a bit, read at a park for awhile, walked some more and then treated myself to lunch at my favorite place and walked home. It's now 4pm and I'm tired, like I need a nap tired! I think I'll go for a short walk for a chai!
Just add a couple inches to the belly, a good handful of padding on the hips and triple the boob size and it could be my profile! Oh, and my placenta is at the front of my uterus.
Our 19 week update
The top of your uterus now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimetre per week. The fetus measures around 6 inches/ 15 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces/ 240 grams. She has started to swallow amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses -- taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch -- are now developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about one million. You no doubt feel the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, she may be so mobile that you can't sleep. The next ten weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the womb gets too crowded.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
18 week update

'4D' image of an 18 week fetus
I personally think these images are creepy & will not be requesting any at our exciting ultrasound visit in just 11 days!! I'll see the baby in 5 months, thank you very much.
Your baby is approximately 6 inches/ 14.2 centimetres long from crown to rump. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing but she's not taking in air, only amniotic fluid. Your baby is twice as big as he was last month, but he still weighs only about 225 grams. Meanwhile, most of the weight you've gained is from amniotic fluid, placenta and water retention. Although things may seem calm on the surface, your little one is kicking, flexing, reaching, rolling, and even sucking his thumb now. If you haven't felt him move yet, you will in the next few weeks. His hearing is now functioning and he will be listening to your heartbeat.
I am relaxing after my fourth day of work with just one more to go. It has been very busy and I wish I could have at least two more hours of sleep every night. Poor Charles has been sleeping alone as I have moved to the spare bed with my army of pillows that keep me propped up at night! I need lots of space to spread out & keep cool. The cat even gets booted off the bed now. Geesh, what will August be like?!
I had another morning of icky dry heaving and unfortunately got to work just in time to hear another tech's story of a dog that came in covered in maggots last night. Everyone just looked at me with concern and told the tech to stop for crying out loud, do you want Kim to vomit her bagel?... we had a good laugh.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Turtle pace
I have been reduced to doing very easy hikes which I am trying not to bother me because that's just how it is! Yesterday, Charles & I went to Lake Louise & walked up to Lake Agnes (along with tourists from around the world). It was a beautiful day and we had a nice time. I have serious issues about being passed on the trails (especially by tourists!) but I have to accept that this summer I cannot be "Sargeant Kim". I felt good though & the fresh air was such a treat. Of course being with Charles always makes any day better!
We were quite active for my first three days off but today my body asked for a rest. I slept most of the afternoon and my belly has been quite sore. I missed my first French class tonight so not only I'm I wiped, but now I'm pouting, too. Good thing Charles is out for the evening. I'm back to work tomorrow so I'm taking it easy tonight & putting my feet up.
Oh & I finally made to leap to maternity underwear. All I can say is 'wow'... they're big! All 'pretty' things have been put away for future use.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Summer is here!
We are finally enjoying some sunny hot weather here in Calgary but unfortunately I can't enjoy it as I used too! I get very hot very fast & have to learn to never leave the apartment without a hat. Charles & I went for a bike ride yesterday from our place to a park, about an hour along the city pathways. I had to raise my seat & pedal with my legs a little wider but overall it was a great afternoon. It was nice to get home though, as my bum had quite enough for one day! I don't know what the fetus thinks of being knocked around with each pedal stroke, but hopefully I can continue enjoying the occasional toodle for awhile yet!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Where did that come from?!
Monday, May 28, 2007
16 week update

Your baby is now about the size of an avocado (about 5 inches / 11.6 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighing approximately 4 ounces / 100 grams). In the next three weeks he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling his weight and adding inches to his length. In or out of the womb, babies are playful creatures. Yours may already have discovered his first toy -- the umbilical cord -- which he'll enjoy pulling and grabbing. Sometimes he may even clutch it so tight that less oxygen gets through, but don't worry -- he doesn't hold onto it long enough to harm himself. The circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and he's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs.
Your baby is almost certainly listening up by now. In fact, loud noises — the dog barking, the doorbell ringing — will actually startle your baby (and also get him or her used to such noises; for instance, fetuses who regularly hear a dog barking will become babies who sleep right through Fido's outbursts). Your baby's eyes (which have fortunately finished their migration to the front of his or her head) are making small side-to-side movements and can even perceive some light, though the eyelids are still sealed. And since practice makes perfect, your baby is sharpening his or her sucking and swallowing skills in preparation for that first (and second…and third) suckle at your breast or bottle. In fact, most of the survival reflexes that your baby will have at birth are being perfected in utero right now. And here's some proof that your baby is truly one of a kind (as if you needed any!). Within the next week or so, the pads on your baby's fingertips and toes will become adorned with completely individual swirls and creases (aka fingerprints).
Well, I found out at my last doctors appointment that my due date has been changed to November 7th, so that puts me at 17 weeks on Wednesday! The weeks are going by very fast; between working and taking trips on our days off, fall will be here before we know it!
Okanagan Lake in Kelowna
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
And so it continues...
I believe I am destined to suffer every pregnancy symptom! For the past couple days my belly has been quite sore and I think this may be why...
As I gain weight with this pregnancy, my lower abdomen aches sometimes. Is this normal?
It's quite typical. This aching, as opposed to cramping, is usually caused by the stretching of the muscles and ligaments supporting your womb (uterus). You'll probably feel it when you're getting up from a bed or chair, when you cough or when you get out of the bath. It may also become a problem when the baby's head engages in the later stages of pregnancy
What can I do to relieve this discomfort?
Sit down, put your feet up and relax. When you feel this aching, resting comfortably should alleviate your symptoms. Don't forget, it's a perfectly normal complaint of pregnancy, and it gives you an excuse to get off your feet -- and even be waited on.
I'll have to make sure Charles reads the last part!
As I gain weight with this pregnancy, my lower abdomen aches sometimes. Is this normal?
It's quite typical. This aching, as opposed to cramping, is usually caused by the stretching of the muscles and ligaments supporting your womb (uterus). You'll probably feel it when you're getting up from a bed or chair, when you cough or when you get out of the bath. It may also become a problem when the baby's head engages in the later stages of pregnancy
What can I do to relieve this discomfort?
Sit down, put your feet up and relax. When you feel this aching, resting comfortably should alleviate your symptoms. Don't forget, it's a perfectly normal complaint of pregnancy, and it gives you an excuse to get off your feet -- and even be waited on.
I'll have to make sure Charles reads the last part!
Monday, May 21, 2007
15 week update
We had an amazing time on Vancouver Island. It was a much needed break for the both of us & I think the fetus appreciated the fresh, ocean air! The remote area we stayed in was perfect as we were craving peace & quiet (pickles, too, but I didn't get any!).
Our last Doppler check of the baby was Friday & she/he is higher in my abdomen now & the heart beat was very loud. Very exciting! I've really noticed the space it is occupying in my lower abdomen now as it is uncomfortable to bend over to put on shoes, pick up stuff off the floor, etc. Soon, Charles will have to tie my shoes for me (besides many other things!) & I will be sad... it's hard when I've been so independent for so long. But, I will get use to it I'm sure.
Your nearly four-inch long gymnast is happily mobile inside your womb, and if you're really lucky, you’ll notice a point when your sneezing, coughing or laughing results in a little kick here or a poke there. Although the poking and kicking isn't very charming during sleeping hours, it’s a good sign as it means your baby is actually reacting to outside events! Their little elbows and knees are bending more freely this week and their little legs are finally growing longer than their arms and getting them all pumped up for prenatal Richard Simmons. Many of their major organ systems are increasing in capacity—particularly that amazing tiny heart and complex circulation system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to a very impressive 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy. As far as hair goes, we’ve got some new scalp patterns beginning to develop on the head, although actual head hair is not yet present.
You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies master before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their trachea is filled with fluid rather than air. Although you've probably gained between 5 and 10 pounds / 2.2 - 4.5 kilograms, the fetus weighs in at around only 2.5 ounces / 70 grams. It measures nearly 4 inches / 11 centimetres long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than the arms now, fingernails are fully formed and all the joints and limbs can move. If the idea of having a baby seems so remote, nothing makes it feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most moms-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later. What you may first think is a rumbling stomach may be your baby doing some back flips.
It's been a hard transition back to work & I can only count down the days until my maternity leave. I am thankful for my 8 hour days but I am exhausted when I get home. Some days I don't get to sit or have a drink/snack until my lunch hour (even that is up to 2 hours late sometimes) & I know that's not good. Unfortunately, that's my line of work. I will see how things go for now but if I feel it's too much I will ask for another position doing awful admin/crap work. But last day tomorrow then I'm off for 5 days when Charles & I will travel to Kelowna to visit Mom & Gus (and hopefully the sun!) for a few days.
Monday, May 14, 2007
14 week update
Pictures from Cape Scott Provincial Park on the Northwestern tip of Vancouver Island
(I'm pretty sure our pictures won't look like these!)
Crown to rump, your baby is around 3 and a half inches / 9 centimetres long and weighs one and a half ounces / 43 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth. About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain.
If you poke at your abdomen and the baby feels it, it will begin to root around as if looking to suckle. Their little face starts to resemble Mom and Dad as they continue to develop more normal looking facial features. Baby can hear sounds now and are able to feel pain. The baby now has unique fingerprints. Inhaling and exhaling movements have begun and the torso is growing very quickly to make up the difference in body and head size. All nourishment is received through the placenta. The intestines continue their migration into the body from the umbilical cord. At this point you may begin to feel “quickening”: a fluttering sensation in your abdomen. This is actually your baby moving around! It might be several weeks before you notice it, but some Mom’s notice this as early as 14 weeks.
Your baby is now producing urine and actually urinating into the amniotic fluid. It also can practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs. Amniotic fluid is an amazing substance. It completely regenerates itself every three hours. We do know that it is partially composed of urine from the baby, but where amniotic fluid in general is made we are not sure. Modern medicine still has some surprises left.
Well, I survived my first rotation back to work. Though it was great to see my co-workers, I really struggled to find my 'place'. I'm thankful that I decided to reduce my work hours; eight is all I can muster. I am even more cautious than ever about the hazards of working in the hospital. I'm washing my hands raw, wear gloves for almost everything and a mask whenever I feel it's necessary. And I don't particularily care when someone asks why. I don't lift, I don't run, I don't put myself in contortionist positions like I used to. There's at least a dozen people who can do these things... so I let them!
Charles, me & the fetus are off on our first trip (besides Quebec when the fertilized egg was just implanting!) together tomorrow morning. We're spending 4 days on Northern Vancouver Island and are very much looking forward to it. It's not the most ideal time of year to go but it will be nice just to be in the forests & by the ocean. Our lungs will appreciate the break from the disgusting Calgary air!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Daddy's write-up
So far Kim's has been doing much of the writing. I'm actually not going crazy as much as Kim is letting people believe. I just feel powerless about everything that's happening in her life. To make this worse, I get to be on the road for more than 12 days every months.
On the other side, I just can't wait to see our baby. At first I was little scare about the whole idea, but now, I just can't wait. On almost every flight I'm on, there is a baby. On yesterday's flight, they were 4 of them. There all so cute and stinky and messy. Life will be different, but Eh!
Last night was our first night on that brand new bed, it was a much nicer bed that I thought it would be. It is quite soft and I thought it would give me back pain... so far so good. Hope Kim slept good too, but she's at work. Yes, I'm actually at home alone! So today I'm gonna clean, cook, do the dishes, vacuum, laundry, wash the car... hahaha! I'm so funny! Ok, I'll do at least 2 of these things!
On the other side, I just can't wait to see our baby. At first I was little scare about the whole idea, but now, I just can't wait. On almost every flight I'm on, there is a baby. On yesterday's flight, they were 4 of them. There all so cute and stinky and messy. Life will be different, but Eh!
Last night was our first night on that brand new bed, it was a much nicer bed that I thought it would be. It is quite soft and I thought it would give me back pain... so far so good. Hope Kim slept good too, but she's at work. Yes, I'm actually at home alone! So today I'm gonna clean, cook, do the dishes, vacuum, laundry, wash the car... hahaha! I'm so funny! Ok, I'll do at least 2 of these things!
(What the first ultrasound revealed to us but that Kim didn't want Gus to see)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
2nd Trimester!
The fetus is now nearly 3 inches / 7 to 8 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs nearly an ounce / 23 grams -- about half a banana. Its unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and she feels it, your baby will start rooting -- that is, act as if she's searching for a nipple. If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000. As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy -- frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea -- diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus, while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.
I'm happy to be at this milestone in our pregnancy! The nausea is pretty much behind me except if I get hungry or move too fast. I still feel I like napping in the afternoons but try to avoid it to help ensure I sleep well at night. Charles & I bought a new bed so in a week we'll hopefully be sleeping in the same bed again! My two recent 'side effects' of the pregnancy are a bit more manageable, sort of. My emotions rule my life at the moment & I cry mostly everyday. Charles is probably wanting to lock me in the bedroom soon! I've also developed a shooting pain up my tailbone everytime I sit down. A couple women told me (and I've read) that it could be my pelvis shifting but a doctor I spoke to yesterday siad it could be from the weight gain & sitting too much. I like the first reason better. After two days of rain, today is finally sunny & warm. So, while Charles is inside an airplane all day I'll spend the majority of the day outside.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
2nd ultrasound
We had our second ultrasound today for the nuchal translucency test. Baby looked fine measuring in at 7.3cm with a heart rate of 155bpm. It took along time to get the pictures as the baby has to be in a certain position for the test. It was difficult with a full bladder as the technician pressed hard with the probe. I thought I may pee on the table! I won't get results until next Friday when I see my doctor. We didn't get any pictures to take home with us which is a bit disappointing but the technician went over all of baby's body parts with us. We saw 5 fingers on each hand (at one point saw the baby 'wave' at us!), each long leg (2!), the eyes, and if you can believe it the bladder and the brain! Very cool. I am in awe that you can see the brain in such detail in something so small. I was impressed that we could see the little bladder, too. But the brain?! Wow...
Monday, April 30, 2007
I just heard our baby's heart beat for the first time! I thought I would try the Doppler this morning and, yay, I heard "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...." very fast and very loud. It was very exciting but I wish Charles was here. I shouldn't have tried without him here but I couldn't help it! It was neat becuase at one point my pulse was in the background so I could hear both of us at the same time. I'm really looking forward to the ultrasound on Thursday so we can see the difference 3 weeks makes.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
12 week update

Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 2 inches/5.5cm long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than half an ounce/ 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder. The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.
Though the nausea seems to be fading, the fatigue still attacks with a vengeance. I feel like I'm in a haze most days no matter what I do. I went for a walk yesterday in some nice sunny, warm weather which felt good but I don't feel the boost of energize I normally would with exercising. For the past two weeks I have had progressively sore hips. This could be hormonal and/or the bed I sleep on (literature says to avoid firm mattresses while pregnant). While Charles is away I sleep in the spare bed as it is much softer. Hormones have been toying with my emotions the past couple days. I cry at just about anything; cried most of yesterday and today is starting about the same. I'm fine with crying at home, I just don't want to have it happen in public or at work. Poor Charles....
Besides all the drama stuff... I have felt flutters twice now in the same area which I think is my uterus. A very distinct feeling that I've never had before. And last evening I actually had Braxton Hicks contractions (I believe)... it caught me off guard & was very weird. I definitely look forward to my second trimester as they say it is the only time you can really enjoy your pregnancy!
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